Friday, March 7, 2008

The Big Give

Okay ladies... before you get all excited and think that The Big Give is the best orgasm you have ever had... think again! I'm talking about the biggest Give God has ever given to me - my friends. This week I have been extremely sick and feel like I have been drowning in my own germs. I feel like when I am out in the world, people don't recognize me as a human being. But God sure knew what He was doing when He chose the people who would enter my life. I am so filled with gratitude when I think about all of you. To my friend Heather, who forced me to go to the emergency room. You know you are a true friend when you can take your bra off in front of her and she doesn't laugh at your drooping speed bags. To Heather's mom, Annie, who brought me soup with lots of meatballs. To my friend Elena, who loves my kids (I think more than I do), and took them for a day so I could rest. To my friend Tina, who brought me 7 up and a pick me up of minestrone soup. And then Tina calls me today to say she is going to bring me dinner tonight. Do you know I just wanted to cry when she offered that? I feel so loved! To my sister Linda, who always thinks of others, brought me coffee at work. I am blessed beyond measure. And if I missed anyone, don't hold me accountable, my brain cells aren't working properly this week!


Tasha Riley said...

I can't wait to read more from you because YOU always make me laugh. You are surrounded by good friends because those are the people that you attract......because you are a good friend to begin with.

Unknown said...

OH YEY!! I'm so happy you decided to write a blog. You have such a gift of wording things and making people laugh. I love that we all get to keep up with what's going on with your life. WHOO-HOO!!

Anonymous said...

You crack me up with this blog thing! I love it! And your right everytime I see "Mel's" (you know where!) it cracks me up and especially the "Mel's Diner" that reminds me of you and the laughter you bring me on a daily basis just from that one liner you came up with!!!!!!!!

Love You Shelley

Save your Fork said...

I am so happy you started a blog too. It is so fun to see what is going on with people more then just an email or two here or there. And, of course, you always have made me laugh... I think you may have even made me pee my pants a time or two. Love ya!

Donna said...

You were sick?

Well...I guess our long distance friendship is nearly in the crapper.

>violins playing in background<
>I may have a nasal whine as well<

Why doesn't anyone tell me when your sick? Why didn't I get an opportunity to go shopping for 'sickness' gifts and buy you soup...and and...make you dinner?
