Wednesday, June 18, 2008


We all begin our days with a blank page. We are the authors and we determine how the story will go, but sometimes the ending doesn't always end the way we want them to. Tomorrow, I set off to Yosemite and on Friday the long hike to Half Dome. I have so many expectations, fears, and excitements going on - and I can't wait to see how those experiences will fill my blank page. This little entry is also to just let everyone know, how much I love them - my kids, my husband, my friends, my family - just in case the ending is tragic. Just know how much I laughed through life - laughing with people, laughing at myself, and laughing at the big stuff and small stuff in life. Thanks for all your prayers on Friday as I begin a journey filled with newness. I love you guys and can't wait to share my Yosemite Journey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will "say a little prayer for you". (I can hear that song in my head)
Love you forever.