Friday, May 29, 2009

Over Ridden

In the depths of a dark garage, in a small moving box, a wild mommy cat gave birth to four fur balls at my mother in laws house. All seven grandchildren were excited. But Brandon was the most elated. "Mom! They're so cute! Mom! I love them! Mom! They are so tiny! And Mom? Can I get one?" I knew that question was coming, but had decided to kick in my super parenting skills of selective hearing. Until my mother in law called..."Gram? How are the kitties? Tell me what they look like again? Are they getting big? Did you take them from the mommy yet? Are you going to take them to the vet?" And then a loud voice appeared like a gripping darkness..."YOU ARE NOT GETTING ONE OF THOSE THINGS!" It was dad. In one millisecond flat, a nine year olds pure joys was changed to heart breaking disappointment and the crocodile tears began to flow. I was mad to say the least! And before I knew it, I committed myself to a kitty..."I don't give a shit what he're getting that damn cat!" Oops..foot in mouth (that's why God gave me a size 11 foot - since it needs to be big enough!) Brandon laughed and cried at the same time, since I shocked him. And me? I shocked myself and will be hiding a little fur ball from the dad of the house!


Anonymous said...

You Go Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Love You Your Mama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nina said... did the right thing. Those cute little kee kees. I'm proud of you for putting your foot down...or in yoor mouth or whatever.....xoxoxox