Thursday, August 28, 2008

Throw Them To The Wolves

Like changing schools and starting Kindergarten isn't hard husband, the leader of the wolves, dropped MY kids off at school on Tuesday. I guess I have to be a little more specific. "Okay, dear. When you get to school...park your car. Get out. Take your children out of the car. Give them their backpacks and lunches. Walk to their classrooms. Make sure they see their teacher. Get them settled" But, oh no! I didn't tell him that. So instead, on the second day of school, he practically pushes them out of a moving vehicle. He might as well have accelerated his Hyundai as he passed through the school circle, pushing the kids out an open back window. What the hell? I swear men don't think. Brandon told me Gianna got lost and couldn't find her class. Of course, crying throughout the whole thing.Thank God for Brandon, who brought her to his classroom and asked the teacher for help. I'm thinking to myself.. Self? Why would my husband think it would be okay to drop a just five year old off in the middle of a big school? Why not just throw her in a pool without floaties and let her drown? Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. Or should I say, Women think with their heads, Men think with their Penis!


Anonymous said...

Tina Said:

Rochelle, I hope Justin is having a good sense of humor today!

This might make him a little bit grouchy with you!?

Anonymous said...

girl, that is too funny! well, at least it wasn't her TEACHER that was about to PUT HER ON THE WRONG EFFING BUS. Yes, that is Annie's moron lame ass kindergarten teacher...who told me, "Well, you didn't turn the paper in, so I didn't know where she was supposed to go". So instead of calling me and FINDING OUT, she puts her on a RANDOM bus to a RANDOM daycare that doesn't even know her. I hate school.
and yes, i'm still bitter.