Monday, August 4, 2008


Yesterday, my friend Heather, her little little girl, and Gianna and I, had a our first annual school clothes shopping trip. We started out bright and early in the morning - 8:30am. The first stop was Target. We bought all of Gianna's school supplies, including an adorable frog backpack and a $14.00 High School Musical Thermos. You should have seen the dressing room with two five year olds. It was like a hurricane came busting threw. I don't even think you could see the carpet on the floor. At one point, I didn't know who's clothes were who's. It was funny because both Heather and I were totally sweaty. No need to do step aerobics, just go shopping with two kindergartners! Then it was off to Old Navy. The music was loud, as if to say, "Don't pay attention to the prices, just buy, buy, buy!" I could feel the adrenaline rushing, along with the music, as I swiftly went through the racks. No Luck though! So we went to the mall to refuel at Fresh Choice. We ate way too much - I have to get my money's worth, you know! The shopping didn't seem to end. On, on, and on! Gianna is so funny though because she certainly has her own style. I have learned just to let her pick her own clothes because I know she will wear them. But all of her pants are plaid! Her teacher is going to think we got a deal in bulk with all the plaid we bought.

1 comment:

Tasha Riley said...

That sounds so fun and cute!