Monday, February 15, 2010


Describe me in one word. And I'm sure most people would say....funny. That's who I am. I think it all began when I was fat because I'd rather be funny or make fun of myself first, before anyone else could. I'd rather hurt my own feelings than feel the pain and hurt of another. So...funny I am. And I've progressed from there. Funny at a party, funny at work, funny with friends, making up funny songs. It's my element and I'm comfortable with it. Recently, I was asked to step out of my comfort of funny and do something serious for a Women's Retreat. Since this year has been defined by cancer, I decided to do a skit of my journey through the pain of losing a friend to this disease. I'm telling you... I kicked and screamed through the entire process because I hate to show my vulnerable side. But I did it. And was asked to do the skit again in front of church on Valentines Day. It was very emotional for me and I could barely get through it. I showed my pain of loss, my anger at God, my doubt, my sadness...but through it all...the promise that God held my hand through it all was evident. And I know that when we are stretched like that is when we grow the most.