Friday, January 16, 2009

You Know You Are Old When..........

1. You keep plucking the same chin hair from the same spot, every two weeks
2. You start driving the speed limit
3. Cartoon voices sound annoying
4. You need coffee before you can function for the day
5. You notice that people born in the 90's are of driving age
6. Kids that you babysat when you were a teenager, are getting married
7. You can't call your best friend after 8:00pm because they might be in bed
8. You consider wearing Spanx
9. Sleep is more important than sex. Oh wait, even when I was younger...I thought that!
10. Eating ice cream with your spouse is considered foreplay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Girl you can always call me! You can reach me by automobile. You can reach me by railroad car......
Totally true post.
