Monday, June 22, 2009


Mirror, Mirror, on the wall...when we look at tell us all! So, why don't some people actually look at themselves before they go out to a function? I know from personal experience that I do. For instance, this weekend I had a wedding to attend. So...I stood in front of the mirror and busted out my dance moves to the beat in my head. I lifted my hands above my head. Check...shirt didn't ride up. I squatted down. crack showing.... Bra..holding on tight. Okay...we are good to go! Call me crazy, but I want to be noted for my incredible dance moves...not for my stomach or underwear showing. Apparently, there were other girls at the wedding that did not do the mirror check. And word to the wise.......if you don't do "the check", at least bring an honest and sober friend, that will tell you if your nipple was showing!


Tiffany said...

Ha...I know who you are talking about...Funny thing is I think she wanted it to do that!

Anonymous said...

Here, here sista. I wonder about the mirror check everyday when i see peps at my work. What do i have to worry about, i think. My roll is securly fasten under a long shirt so after a good lunch it's still covered. My skinny ass is mirror checking daily and the faties could care less. i mean the big ones. Oh well God loves us all the same. Some have more to love i guess!