Monday, April 7, 2008

And I thought I had it bad!!

So for all of you who don't know it... my husband is a "little" anal. The carpet has its own lines from the vacuum, everything has its place, and you take off the shoes at the front door. I felt sorry for myself for the past 11 years (I hear the violins playing), but I must say... that's nothing! I went to Subway last Friday for lunch. The man in front of me (with the disgusting pubic hair beard) demanded that the Subway lady change her gloves, wash the knife in front of him, and then proceeded to choose the fifth cup from the bottom! Not the fourth, not the third..but the fifth. Did he care that there were eight people behind him in line! Nope! So when I got to the counter, I asked the lady (very loudly)..."Can you please change your entire outfit before you touch my sandwich? Change the receipt roll? And can you please provide me with a new pen?" The other eight people laughed! Why? Because they were thinking the same thing about this ridiculous man. So, I counted my blessings that day... the grass isn't always greener on the other side (although my grass has the perfect straight lines- thanks to my husband)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My favorite part, can you change your outfit and receipt roll1 LOL!
Keep um coming!
Luv Ya