Wednesday, April 9, 2008


My name is Rochelle and I am an over eater (I totally can picture myself in a circle with the rest of the OA members). I have diagnosed myself with bipolar body image. Yes, I just made that up. But here is the deal. I look at my picture from 10 years ago and can say... look how far I have come. But in the same breath I can say... I have so far to go! I will go kickboxing for an hour and feel so great. And then I get home and give myself permission to eat 3 bagel pizzas and half a bag of Nestle semisweet chocolate chips. That is why I'm bipolar. I love me, I hate me. I have discussed with many women and I have come to find that we may all have this disorder. From the heaviest of women to the thinnest of women, there is always something that they do not like about themselves. So before we start thinking that the "other girls" have it better than us - there is something that they are not happy about. We are who we are. Love me fat, Love me skinny!
P.S Thanks to all my "good" friends who let me wear that ugly vest! Great! You let me be fat and ugly!


Anonymous said...

I can't beleive that I have the same disorders! And my doctor just told me that this behavor is normal!? I had just finished telling her that I ate the entire contents of my fridge and then proceeded to break into my neighbors house to eat all the yummy stuff from their fridge too. Ok, I didn't tell her exactly that but it was close to that - and she told me it's pretty normal and asked if I wanted Provac, I guess it could be helpful. WHATEVER!! It's a really good thing we exercise!
Can I also say that you really knew how to make the vest with the hearts on it look gooooood!
love, Tina

Tasha Riley said...

Oh my gosh! I just came upstairs to try and stop eating all of the chocolate I could find and I find this on your blog. Perfect timing!! You do not even look like the same person now, and in my mind I don't even remember you looking like that picture because you've always just been Rochelle to me.

Anonymous said...

WOW. Girl you have come so far. I love YOU not how you look. And beside if i ever need Kemo i won't make it. I do remeember that vest but i had some winners too. It was the style.
Keep bloggin
Luv Mag

Anonymous said...

This disorder does not just affect women... but the vest has nothing to do with it!


Anonymous said...

i love you Ro. Can totally relate too. You are awesome.